Ofte stillede spørgsmål
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- Ofte stillede spørgsmål
Har du spørgsmål om erhvervslån eller vores ydelser? Vi har samlet de oftest stillede spørgsmål her for at give dig hurtige og klare svar. Hvis du ikke kan finde det, du leder efter, er du altid velkommen til at kontakte os direkte.
Ofte stillede spørgsmål
No, Capivest is not a bank. We are a financial intermediary that connects businesses with trusted lenders to help them secure the financing they need.
Capivest is operated by Lafacil AS, a company dedicated to simplifying financial management and helping businesses grow.
Yes, your details are completely safe. We follow strict data protection guidelines and comply with GDPR regulations to ensure your information is handled securely.
Capivest focuses on connecting businesses with the right financing solutions. However, through our partner network, we may assist with other business-related needs.
We value your feedback! You can contact us directly through our contact form or email us to share your suggestions or ideas for improvement.
Capivest specializes in financing solutions, but we collaborate with partners who can assist with technical needs such as creating websites or custom calculators.
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